Currently, online payment is temporarily unavailable. You can place an order online, and all payment information will be provided after order confirmation via phone or email. Delivery is not available, but you can pick up your order at Jana Kazimierza 30, 01-248 Warsaw. However, delivery can be arranged individually.
The minimum order lead time is 3 days. Please note that for some products, this time may be longer. Please review the product details for more information.
Each product has a minimum order quantity specified in its product card. Please review the menu for detailed information.
Yes, a prepayment of 50% is required via Blik after order confirmation and discussion of all details. The remaining amount is paid upon receipt of the order.
You can pick up your order at Jana Kazimierza 30, 01-248 Warsaw. It is also possible to discuss individual delivery terms.
Storage information for each product is specified in its product card. Please refer to the product details for accurate information.
Serving and consumption information for each product is specified in its product card. Please refer to the product details for accurate information.